Posts tagged 'storm recovery'
RSS FeedDeploying the AC-ROV
In 2011 a devastating tsunami sent enormous towers of water crashing through coastal towns throughout the Pacific. Most of those towns were destroyed. Subsequently a nuclear disaster at the country's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant caused by the storm. Together, they created a significant humanitarian crisis. In Japan alone over 19,000 lives were claimed by the storm and it is believed thousands more are still unaccounted for.
Using the AC-CESS AC-ROV 100 from Rental Tools Online, Dr. Tetsuya Kimura, Dr. of Eng., and Associate Prof. Dept. of System Safety, Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. set to work searching for underwater dead bodies and rubble that might hamper additional rescue and recovery efforts.
Hi Ken,
The ROV will be used for the follow up activities of below
to find underwater dead bodies and rubbles. Not nuclear related.
This follow up search will be carried out by local people, e.g., fisherman or university students volunteers, so such small ROV is very suitable.
We are very looking forward to get the ROV.
Thank you very much again for your quick response.
Still over 3000 people are missing, so we hope the ROV could contribute
for their finding.
Best regrads,
Photos Courtesy of Dr. Tetsu Kimura, NPO Rescue System Institute